Building Worlds - Intro
This printable workshop will help to set stories up for successful world building.
This PDF is optimised for Story Development.
License type: MIT License
Download size: 493 KB
Version update: 1.2
Included files: Training Document (.pdf)
Tell New Stories
Discover the basic world-building elements of storytelling.
With this worksheet the important first steps of world-building will be covered, such as Setting, the Status-Quo and defining Major Players.
Start Creating Now
Follow the simple steps and questions asked to accelerate the creation of immersive storyworlds.
Create stories for fun, exercise, or for group activity.
® 2021 Syntactic Labyrinths
® 2021 Building Worlds
Developed by Blauw Films
Developing the world of Syntactic Labyrinths has led us to organise world-building on a few key principles.
This document was made for clarity of our ideas as we keep evolving the world in which our film takes place.
A guide to create a solid foundation for storytelling